Decentralized exchanges: Brief overview

To support real-time trades, decentralized exchanges such as EtherDelta and 0x adopt essentially the same architecture for public (“broadcast”) orders. Users send their orders to off-chain matching services (called “Relayers” in 0x), which post them in off-chain order books. Such posting takes place in real time—much faster than if orders were posted on a decentralized blockchain.

Any user (called a “Maker” in 0x) can publish any buy or sell request (that this user signs) on the order book of the off-chain service. An order is accompanied by an exact price, i.e., limit orders aren’t supported.

EtherDelta and 0x both attempt to minimize trust in the off-chain matching service by not giving it the power to perform automatic matching of the buy and sell orders. Instead, any other user (called a “Taker” in 0x) trades against a posted order by adding a counterorder and digitally signing and sending the complete transaction, i.e., pair of orders, directly to the blockchain. The transaction is sent to a smart contract that executes the transaction, transferring assets between the buyer and seller (Maker and Taker in 0x). The lifecycle of a transaction is shown below in Figure 1.

EtherDelta and 0x both adopt this general design, but differ in two key ways. 0x allows anyone to stand up an exchange (“Relayer” in 0x), while EtherDelta has a unique one. Additionally, 0x, unlike EtherDelta, has a system of tokens used to pay transaction fees and for system governance.

Lifecycle of a transaction, using 0x terminology. (1) The Maker sends a digitally signed broadcast order (e.g., “Sell 100 TOK for 1 ETH”) to the Relayer, who (2) Posts the order to the Order book. The Taker finds the order in the order book and digitally signs it, with a counterorder (“Buy 100 TOK for 1 ETH”) to the DEX (“Decentralized EXchange”) smart contract.

General flaws in decentralized exchanges

The general design just described introduces several basic vulnerabilities:

Exposure to arbitrage: The lack of automatic matching permits in-market arbitrage, whereby stale orders are filled to the disadvantage of users unable to quickly cancel their orders in response to market fluctuations. For example, the arbitrageur can execute against a standing pair of orders (sell 1 TOK at 1 ETH and buy 1 TOK at 2 ETH) to make an immediate profit of 1 ETH. Since the only way for users to invalidate their signed orders (that they published on the off-chain service) is by sending an on-chain cancellation transaction that is explicitly processed by the exchange contract, the arbitrageur may pay a high gas fee to miners and win the race against the cancellation transaction. Therefore, users who wish to increase the probability of a successful cancellation may need to attach an excessively high fee that depends on the value of the trade, which makes the exchange platform unattractive to honest users. We show below that this problem isn’t theoretical, but already arises in practice.

Vulnerability to miner frontrunning: Order cancellations are a common feature of decentralized exchanges (after all, an exchange with no cancellation ability may not be useful in a volatile market), and their on-chain nature renders these cancellations particularly vulnerable to miner frontrunning; the miner of the next block will always have the option to execute cancelled orders with themselves as the counterparty, potentially profiting from such an order. To add injury to insult, the miner even collects gas costs from a user’s failed cancellation. This issue was noted in the Consensys 0x report, and is recognized as a limitation of on-chain cancellations in the community.

Exposure to exchange abuses: Since the off-chain matching service doesn’t perform automatic matching, it is supposed to publish all users’ orders as quickly as possible, resulting in principle in fully transparent behavior. In actual fact, though, the exchange can suppress orders, mounting a denial-of-service attack against users in order to corner a market or censor particular users’ transactions. Worse yet, it can front-run orders. Specifically, it can engage in the same kind of in-market “sandwich” arbitrage described above, especially when high-value trades are requested. The problem is that signed orders flow to the off-chain server first. The server can thus match the trade data with pseudonymous users that it controls. Both suppression and front-running by an exchange are extremely hard to detect.

0x-specific flaws

Decentralized governance: In just two days, 0x will launch the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) of their ZRX token. The token will serve two functions: First, it will allow market participants to pay a Relayer’s fees for listing orders. Second, the token will be used for "decentralized governance" over the evolution of the protocol and the DEX contract holding market participants' assets.

Why a dedicated token should be used for Relayer fees is unclear—after all one could simply pay Relayers in ETH instead. The use of a token for decentralized governance is a more interesting use case.

Unfortunately, the 0x whitepaper does not provide any detailed information on how this governance process will work. Neither does the code in 0x's github repository. Since the governance process appears to be the only good reason for creating the ZRX token, this is all the more disappointing.

The 0x whitepaper does, however, state that non-disruptive protocol updates (i.e. changing the protocol and underlying smart contracts without requiring opt-in of individual users) are an explicit design goal of the governance scheme. This immediately raises questions about the security properties of the governance process. If, for instance, 0x were to use a simple majority voting scheme to approve updates to the DEX (which holds all user assets), an attacker could perform a 51% attack where she buys more than half of all ZRX tokens and then votes to replace the DEX with a malicious contract sending all assets to the herself. Designing a secure, decentralized governance process will be difficult and involve a multitude of delicate tradeoffs. Once again, decentralization is no panacea and carries a price in terms of complexity and possibly weakened security!

Side deals: 0x's design allows for two kinds of orders, broadcast orders and point-to-point orders. Broadcast orders make use of a Relayer, who broadcasts the Maker's order to any listening Takers who can choose to fill the order by sending a signed message to the DEX. (Figure 1 shows the lifecycle of a broadcast order.) Relayers can charge fees as a reward for their broadcasting services: When an order is filled, the DEX will transfer any fees from the Taker and Maker's accounts to the Relayer's account.