By: 0xmebius

This is a quick and dirty guide to MEV meant to get you up to speed on the latest in the space, nothing more, nothing less. The guide is sorted so that each subsequent topic builds upon previous knowledge, and increases in complexity as topics advance. Obviously skip things you already know. The guide is also nested depending on the level of depth you wish to explore for each particular topic. Each nested child topic represents a further niche concept in the parent topic. Most general Crypto/DeFi topics will just point you to existing high quality material (no need to reinvent the wheel) but more advanced MEV topics (and alpha) will consist of everything I know and what I’ve learned along the way. Just be warned this is effectively throwing you in the deep end. By the end of this you should be able to build your own MEV Bots. Good luck!



What is Blockchain?

Easy (~5min):

Medium (~30min)

What is Ethereum?

Easy (~5min):

Medium (~1hr):

Hard (~1 day):

Developer Intro:

Rabbit Hole:

Smart Contracts