Introduction to Flashbots

Flashbots is a research and development organization working on mitigating the negative externalities of current MEV extraction techniques and avoiding the existential risks MEV could cause to state-rich blockchains like Ethereum. Our primary focus is to enable a permissionless, transparent, and fair ecosystem for MEV extraction.

We plan to achieve this by:

Flashbots has released two products so far which make progress on resolving the MEV crisis:

Today there are two primary groups of users for Flashbots’ products: miners and searchers. Miners are the block producers of Ethereum who secure the network by performing work in return for the block reward, uncle rewards, and fees from transactions. Miners group together cooperatively in “mining pools” to collectively generate blocks, thereby increasing their probability of successfully mining a block.

Searchers send transactions through Flashbots for inclusion in a block. Searchers are users that “search” for MEV to extract. For example if the price of ETH/DAI is high on Uniswap and low on Sushiswap, then the searcher could buy on Sushiswap and sell it on Uniswap, thus making a profit from the price difference. The searcher would capture this profit by creating a transaction to perform the aforementioned arbitrage and send it to miners, who would include it in return for a transaction fee from the searcher.

Flashbots plays an important role in Flashbots Alpha today as the operator of the MEV-Relay that sits between miners and searchers. The relay is necessary today to prevent DOS or spam attacks on miners for reasons which will be expanded on below.

MEV-Geth and Flashbots’ design goals

In early 2021 Flashbots released Flashbots Alpha. These were the design goals we launched with: